Tim Wilson Technology Solutions

Offering training in Generative Artificial Intelligence for investors. Based in Tasmania.

Generative Artificial Intelligence
and Investing

Generative Artificial Intelligence became a mainstream phenomenon in 2022, rapidly integrating into various aspects of daily life.
AI holds immense potential to revolutionize and optimize your investment strategies in the coming years. Think of it as an advanced personal assistant, capable of supporting you in numerous tasks while you retain full control over your investment choices.
However, it's important to recognize that AI comes with both advantages and potential drawbacks. To effectively leverage AI in your investment journey, staying well-informed about its benefits and limitations is crucial.

Summarise Data

Save hours using AI to summarise information for you...even YouTube videos

Analyse Information

Finding a graph confusing? AI can assist. Text can also be analysed to help you better understand it.


Caution is needed with AI. Privacy and accuracy of results need to be considered.

Using AI to help you invest better

There are now many AI tools available to make you a better investor. Training in how to use the tools is very beneficial.

Smarter Investing with Artificial Intelligence - Join our course

What's Included

- Cut down on time spent researching investments without sacrificing quality.
- Quickly summarize and digest large amounts of financial information.
- Develop a clearer understanding of your investment options and make decisions with greater confidence.
By leveraging the power of AI, you can become a more effective and successful investor. It's your hard-earned money, so why not use the latest technology to help you make the most of it?
Join me for a 90-minute course that will show you how to integrate AI into your investment process.
You'll learn how to save countless hours when evaluating investments and gain a deeper understanding of market conditions in a fraction of the time.
No fluff or gimmicks here – just proven tools that work. I'll also discuss potential pitfalls to watch out for.

  • $90 fee for 90 minute training course

  • Bring a laptop if you have one. This is a hands on class.

  • Handout to keep as a reference

Want to know more?

Join my next class:
Date and Time: Tuesday July 2nd 2024 1pm-2:30pm.
Location: Devonport Library - Melrose 2 Meeting Room
Book Here:

Tim Wilson Profile

Tim Wilson

- 25 years training in IT
- Director of an Artificial Intelligence start-up company working with gaming companies in North America
- Former Mayor
- Manages a Self Managed Super Fund.

Contact Tim Wilson Technology Solutions


**Please call **Tim on 0438 912280
Email enquries@timwilsontech.com
Website timwilsontech.com.au

Tim Wilson Technology Solutions 2024